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      Welcome to Dongguan Lisheng Electromechanical Equipment Co., Ltd.

      ? Hotline:400-8385-889

      Wang:Sheng 13751350708
      Chuang:Sheng 13712951855
      Room 203, No. 45, Lianma Road, Dalingshan Town, Dongguan City  
      Company News
      The Main Function of Assembly Line to Enterprise Production
      Visit:2592 Date:2019-07-11
      Line loading refers to the production line used to assemble various products. It is widely used in toys, machinery, automobiles, electronics, electrical appliances, etc. Many of the products we use in real life are assembled through it. We all know that computers, automobiles and other products are assembled from many components, assembly line manufacturers and these parts can only be used normally after assembly into finished products.

      The assembly line is the best partner for the division of labor between the human and the conveying equipment. Through the distribution of the conveyor line system, it meets the assembly requirements of various products. The main functions of the assembly line to the production of the enterprise are:

      1. Through the processing and loading and unloading of each step of the automatic assembly line, the quality of the product rises and the processing precision is high;

      2, the utilization rate of production equipment has been improved, due to the step-by-step assembly line production, the output has been several times more than the separate operation of the separate operations;

      3. The production efficiency of the automatic assembly line is stable. Even if a certain link of the assembly line fails, the conveyor line transmission system can effectively bypass the fault link for continuous operation.

      Dongguan Lisheng Electromechanical Equipment Co., Ltd.    Dongguan Lisheng Electromechanical Equipment Co., Ltd. 
      Home | Assemblyline | 智能分揀吊掛系統 | Products | Successful cases | News | About Us | Contact Us |

      Hotline: 400-8385-889
      Wang:Sheng 13751350708
      Chuang:Sheng 13712951855
      Fax: 86-0769-85656926
      Website: www.bitekeji.cn
      Add:Room 203, No. 45, Lianma Road, Dalingshan Town, Dongguan City


      CopyRight ? 2019 Dongguan Lisheng Electromechanical Equipment Co., Ltd. All Right Reserved. 粵ICP備17115331號
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