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      Welcome to Dongguan Lisheng Electromechanical Equipment Co., Ltd.

      ? Hotline:400-8385-889

      Wang:Sheng 13751350708
      Chuang:Sheng 13712951855
      Room 203, No. 45, Lianma Road, Dalingshan Town, Dongguan City  
      Company News
      What are the main principles of pipeline equipment operation?
      Visit:2659 Date:2019-07-11
      Principle 1: Consider product structure and assembly process

      Product structure and assembly process are the primary considerations in the layout of assembly lines. Analysis and research on the product structure and suggestions for improving the product structure can greatly simplify the production process of the assembly line equipment.
      Principle 2: Consider product technical requirements and assembly processes

      The operation of the assembly line equipment is determined according to the technical requirements of the product and the assembly process. The problems to be considered when selecting the assembly line equipment include: product production schedule, product quality requirements, equipment advancement, equipment reliability, and equipment price.
      Principle 3: Consider production methods

      The production mode is an aspect that needs to be considered when the assembly line equipment is operated. The following points must be clarified to determine the production method: one is the production program; the second is the work system, here refers to the work shift and the working time of each shift; the third is the production line type, which should be considered. Automatic line or assembly line production, whether it is single machine production or fleet production; Fourth, management method, refers to the management methods, systems and regulations stipulated by the production.

      Dongguan Lisheng Electromechanical Equipment Co., Ltd.    Dongguan Lisheng Electromechanical Equipment Co., Ltd. 
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      Hotline: 400-8385-889
      Wang:Sheng 13751350708
      Chuang:Sheng 13712951855
      Fax: 86-0769-85656926
      Website: www.bitekeji.cn
      Add:Room 203, No. 45, Lianma Road, Dalingshan Town, Dongguan City


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