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      Welcome to Dongguan Lisheng Electromechanical Equipment Co., Ltd.

      ? Hotline:400-8385-889
      About Us

      Wang:Sheng 13751350708
      Chuang:Sheng 13712951855
      Room 203, No. 45, Lianma Road, Dalingshan Town, Dongguan City  
      Lean production
      Advantages of Lean Production Model
      Visit:2760 Date:2019-06-22
      Quick reflection: The first piece of the piece is put into 0.5-2 hours, and the production of ready-to-wear can be started rhythmically, and the shipment is smooth.

      Quality assurance: timely discovery, timely handling of quality problems, and significantly reduce the cost of repair.

      Improve efficiency: Increase production efficiency by 10%-30%, strengthen teamwork and reduce production costs.

      The plan is controllable: planning and monitoring can be implemented every hour of every day, and orders and delivery dates can be effectively controlled.

      Space saving: 20%-30% savings compared to traditional production models.

      Reduce inventory: delivery on time and order, reduce the semi-finished product backlog, finished product inventory rate fell more than 50%

      Release funds: The production cycle time is shortened by more than 30%, allowing funds to flow back quickly.

      Shorten working hours: The production schedule is controllable, and the work efficiency per unit time is improved, avoiding long-term overtime work.

      Dongguan Lisheng Electromechanical Equipment Co., Ltd.    Dongguan Lisheng Electromechanical Equipment Co., Ltd. 
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      Hotline: 400-8385-889
      Wang:Sheng 13751350708
      Chuang:Sheng 13712951855
      Fax: 86-0769-85656926
      Website: www.bitekeji.cn
      Add:Room 203, No. 45, Lianma Road, Dalingshan Town, Dongguan City


      CopyRight ? 2019 Dongguan Lisheng Electromechanical Equipment Co., Ltd. All Right Reserved. 粵ICP備17115331號
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